Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I took some pictures of Londyn when she was playing outside, she finally got the hang of the snow thing, but she did have a lot of fun!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Grandpa and Grandma Snow Come for a Visit

So, my parents came for a visit this weekend, Londyn was so excited to see them! She had the happiest look on her little face and she just couldn't wait to give them a hug and chatter with them.

Londyn has so many new words now, it's amazing how quickly she is learning to talk and to put it all together! Before long she'll be talking in whole sentences and letting us know what way she wants the wind to blow. She certainly has her ideas on how she thinks that things should work! She's also losing her baby look and starting to look more and more like a little girl instead, those big brown eyes and sully pouty lips are just so cute, I often wonder what she'll look like when she's older - that actually makes me worry to a certain degree!

Londyn has been put into time out when she's naughty so about a week ago, she was playing with three of her babies, (dolls) and I noticed that she had each one of her babies on a chair in the kitchen and she was actually getting after one of the dolls and after thinking about what I was witnessing there, I realized that she had all three of her babies in time out, she was very serious about making sure they didn't get down off of the chairs until they were ready to be good. She's really an incredible kid!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Grandkids are the Best!

Well, let's see! I guess the biggest thing in our lives right now is the fact that we now have our beautiful little granddaughter Londyn living with us. We couldn't be more blessed than to have her in our lives, she's 22 months old right now and just so full of mischeif. She does keep us busy, but it's so fun to have her. Londyn has been living with us since the 23rd of January, 2010 and has brought so many changes to our lives. This certainly isnt' the direction that we thought our lives were headed, but we've come to realize just how precious and special this little one is.

Londyn really enjoys her daycare, they tell us every day how she's been dancing in front of their mirror and singing little songs. They've also talked about how loveable Londyn is and how cute she is - of course we couldn't agree more! She's also talking a lot now - she was having a hard time saying Jenna, so Kirk and Jenna came up with a different way for her to say it, so now Jenna has changed to Nenna........Londyn loves it! Pepsi the dog has been re-named, Depsi.......whatever works!

I now need to get myself together and get some updated pictures taken of Londyn, it's time to get that done where she's almost 2 now. I've also been planning her birthday for her this year, I want to make a cake for her, it's Strawberry Shortcake with little hearts all over it, it's really cute in the Wilton catalog, we'll see how it actually turns out.

Easter should be really fun this year, we're planning to color eggs with Londyn and then we'll show her how to hunt for the eggs - there will be lots of pictures on that one!